The Marvel TV show Echo, released just after Hawkeye, stars Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez, a unique superhero with indigenous roots. Despite its interesting story and focus on street-level action, the show hasn’t won over all viewers and critics. When it first came out on January 9, 2024, it got a 67% rating from critics and 77% from audiences on Rotten Tomatoes. This placed it second to last among Marvel’s TV shows, just above 2023’s Secret Invasion. Two days later, the critics’ rating went up to 73%, but the audience score dropped to 70%.
“Echo” has been praised for its strong acting, especially by Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio, and its focus on family drama and representation of deaf and indigenous characters. But it’s also been criticized for its slow pace, editing issues, and a story that some feel doesn’t match the superhero action.
Marvel has been facing a tough time lately, with several movies and TV shows not doing as well as expected. This includes “Eternals,” “Thor: Love and Thunder,” and “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania,” as well as TV shows like “She-Hulk: Attorney at Law” and “Secret Invasion.” This downturn in popularity might be affecting how people view “Echo.”
#Marvel's #Echo #RottenTomatoes Score Improvement Still Holds Disappointing #MCU Record #DisneyPlus
— Son of Coul 🇺🇸 🇫🇷 Ciné & Séries 🎦 📺 (@SHIELDZephyrOne) January 12, 2024
While “Echo” is unique, it might not be what every Marvel fan is looking for. Some may have hoped for a darker, more realistic show like “Daredevil” or a faster-paced series with lots of cameos and action. “Echo’s” different approach, focusing more on Maya Lopez’s personal journey and mythology, might not align with these expectations. However, its mixed reviews show that it’s still finding an audience that appreciates its unique qualities, unlike “Secret Invasion,” which faced mostly negative feedback. Source
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