Los Lobos, a renowned band from East Los Angeles, is the focus of a documentary titled Los Lobos Native Sons, currently in production and set for release in 2024. The film, directed by Doug Blush and Piero F. Giunti and produced by Robert Corsini and Flavio Morales, features insights from various personalities like George Lopez, Linda Ronstadt, and Bonnie Raitt.
The band, formed over 50 years ago, has showcased versatility in music, blending genres like roots rock, Musica Mexicana, and soul. Initially playing Mexican folk music, they later embraced punk and college rock influences in the 1980s.
A significant moment came in 1987 with their cover of Ritchie Valens’ La Bamba, which topped charts globally. Instead of capitalizing solely on this success, they chose to explore Tejano and Mariachi music with their Grammy-winning album La Pistola y El Corazón. Over the years, they’ve received accolades and expanded their repertoire, even appearing on Sesame Street.
The decision to participate in the documentary reflects a milestone for the band, aiming to share their cultural significance over the past five decades. Their legacy intertwines with music and social justice, aligning with causes like the United Farm Workers of America.
Los Lobos Documentary, ‘Native Sons,’ Coming in 2025 (EXCLUSIVE) https://t.co/XhOvfPafQT
— TKHKISI (@tkhkisi) April 17, 2024
Looking ahead, the band plans to continue touring and performing after celebrating their 50th anniversary with a series of meaningful shows. They acknowledge the growing presence of Latin music in mainstream culture, highlighting the long-standing contributions of Latin bands.
As for the documentary, there’s a belief that there’s a considerable appetite for stories like theirs. With documentaries being widely available and people’s natural curiosity about others’ journeys, there’s an opportunity to delve into the band’s history and unravel their story for audiences. Source