Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the original animated film of The Lion King, a live-to-film concert/screening will grace the Hollywood Bowl next month. The event, titled Disney’s The Lion King 30th Anniversary – A Live-to-Film Concert Event, will feature cast members from both the original movie and theatrical versions, along with additional surprises.
Produced by Disney Concerts, Fulwell 73 Productions, AMP Worldwide, and Live Nation-Hewitt Silva, the shows will run on May 24 to 25.
Tickets will go on sale starting Friday at 10 a.m. via Ticketmaster, with an American Express cardholder presale starting Tuesday at 10 a.m. The event will showcase a full orchestra performing the Oscar-winning score composed by Hans Zimmer for the 1994 classic, conducted by Sarah Hicks.
Cast members singing the musical numbers penned by Elton John and Tim Rice will be drawn from the hit Broadway adaptation and the 2019 movie remake, as well as the original film.
Among the cast members returning to the stage are Jeremy Irons as Scar, Nathan Lane as Timon, Ernie Sabella as Pumbaa, and Jason Weaver as Young Simba. Representing the Broadway incarnation, Bradley Gibson, who played Simba onstage, will join, while Billy Eichner, who voiced Timon in the 2019 remake, will bring his talents to the event.
Jennifer Hudson will also be part of the celebration, though her role has not been disclosed. The event will feature additional celebrity performers and performers from the current stage production, along with a full choir. Costumes, set design, and puppetry from the Broadway/touring version will enhance the experience.
The event precedes the release of a prequel from Walt Disney Studios titled Mufasa: The Lion King, set to release on December 20. Eichner will reprise his role as Timon, and Barry Jenkins will direct the film.
'Lion King' Live-to-Film Hollywood Bowl Concert to Feature Jeremy Irons, Nathan Lane, Jennifer Hudson, Billy Eichner and More (EXCLUSIVE) https://t.co/urcLUmrY2S
— Variety (@Variety) April 15, 2024
Disney and Fulwell 73 have previously collaborated on successful projects such as Elton John Live: Farewell from Dodger Stadium and Disney’s Encanto at the Hollywood Bowl. While filming intentions for the Lion King anniversary concerts have not been announced, similar plans could be in store for this event. Source
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